Universal Caravan Mover Remote

Out of Stock


A universal remote control handset which can be used with the following types of mover:

Carver, Truma, Reich, PowrTouch, Rhyno, Purpleline

If your handset looks like any in the listing photograph then this unit will be suitable for your mover.

Easy programming with full instructions included. Unit can be easily reconfigured to operate many different manufacturers products. Ideal for end users or Trade.

Carver / Truma:

All single axle and twin axle movers that use the black or grey handset photographed above. e.g M606929, M606845, M606805, M606914. Not suitable for Truma M1 or M2 series.


“Move Control” 527-0500, 527-0520 etc.Those that use either of the 2 Reich handsets as in the listing photo.


Single and Twin Axle movers That use the White remote control. It covers both E spec and T spec electronics. Also covers M spec electronics which used the blue faced remote as photographed above. Not suitable for the Evolution range of products.


Single and twin Axle movers that use the small black remote with multicoloured buttons as shown in the above photo.


Enduro range of movers that use the remote as shown in the above photo.

If you have any questions, please contact us:
Phone- 03-338-5739
Email- sales@uk-caravans.co.nz